Mini-Maker Faire sparks student creativity

Last week, middle school tinkerers enjoyed a variety of creative activities at a special Mini-Maker Faire organized by middle school learning, innovation and design director Scott Kley-Contini. Harker students designed the activities, which emphasized creativity and ingenuity. The “Airplane Miniature Golf” station, designed by sixth graders Dominick Piscione and Sam Jonker, challenged students to make their own paper airplanes and fly them through six holes, while keeping score on their efforts.

Students also worked on an activity – developed by Andrew Fox, grade 6, with help from Aydin Tiritoglu, grade 8 – involving the creation of simple LED circuits using switches and resistors.

Tanay Sharma, grade 6, and George Wehner, grade 8, developed a special Minecraft coding station where students could use their laptops to tackle coding challenges in the popular computer game.

At the Augmented Reality Gallery, created by Kley-Contini and Harper Brada, grade 6, students used cell phones and tablets to interact with student-made augmented reality content, created using an app called Aurasma.
