Middle School Students Earn High Scores in California Math League Contest

All middle school students participated in the California Math League contest on Feb. 19. The league states that a score of 14 points (out of 35) or higher is commendable and a score of 28 points or higher is exceptional. A school’s team score for each grade comprises of the top 5 scores in that grade, the highest being 175 points.

Grade 6’s team score was 160, with the top scorers being Rose Guan with a score of 34 and Katherine Tian with a score of 33. Andrew Chang, Constance Horng, Nishant Ravi and Cindy Wang all had 31 points. Other high scorers were Nicole Chen, Carl Gross and Sara Min, all with 30 points. Official results and rankings are still to come.

Competitors in grade 7 also had a team score of 160. Their top scorers were Shaya Zarkesh with 34 points and Rajiv Movva with 34 points. Adrian Chu, Edgar Lin and Jimmy Lin all had 31 points. Amy Jin, Michael Kwan, Neelesh Ramachandran and Randy Zhao also did very well, scoring 29 points.

Grade 8 had two perfect scores, with Kai-Siang Ang and Peter Wu both scoring 35 points. The team score was 166. David Zhu missed the perfect score by one point. Steven Cao, Ryan Chen, Arnav Tandon and Derrick Wang all had 31 points. Cuebeom Choi, Aditya Dhar, Soham Khan, Kedar Gupta, Ashwin Rao, Alayna Richmond, Vedaad Shakib, Misha Tseitlin and Austin Tuan all scored 29 points.

Harker also had several students take the AMC 10 and 12 exams on two different dates – Feb. 5 (10A or 12A) and Feb. 20 (10B). Students scoring above a certain cut-off determined by the Mathematical Association of America are invited to participate in the American Mathematics Invitational Exam (AIME), which will take place March 14. Six middle school students qualified for the AIME, which is geared toward high school students.

Harker’s top scorers in AMC 10A exam were David Zhu, Jimmy Lin, Edgar Lin and Quentin Delepine, grade 8. Kai-Siang Ang was the top scorer from Harker in the AMC 12A exam and one of the top scorers in the AMC 10B, along with Peter Wu.

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