Middle School Preview Day Eases Transition to Junior High for Students and Families

The transition to middle school was made easier for both new and returning Harker students entering grade 6, thanks to a middle school preview event held on the middle school campus on August 24.

Both the newcomers and returnees and their families benefited from the day-long preview which afforded grade 6-8 participants the opportunity to reconnect with friends, meet new students and parents, and become familiar with the middle school campus. The jam-packed day had two tracks – one with an emphasis on information for parents and the other offering fun activities for students.

Lana Morrison, middle school dean of students, explained that an important component of the preview is a “special event with our annual ‘buddy bash’ for new students and their Harker buddies. It’s an opportunity for current students to help new students transition into Harker.”

While the buddy bash was underway a new parent social and breakfast with current parents occurred. The breakfast gave new parents the chance to meet with current parents and get many questions answered.

Shortly after the buddy bash program all returning grade six students and their families arrived. While the students went off to hear the dean’s orientation and partake in grade level activities in the multipurpose room, their parents headed for an informal meeting in the gym.

The meeting for parents was led by Cindy Ellis, middle school head, who shared important information about adolescence and the middle school experience, followed by a casual question and answer reception.

Seventh and eighth graders also had a laptop orientation in the library and students received their much anticipated computers and cases (grade 6 students received their laptops later in August). All students then met in the amp for “house and spirit” activities. The exciting day ended with student council members giving campus tours to both students and parents.
