Middle School Cross Country Starts Strong

Middle school cross country runners have posted some impressive results, reports coach Scott Graham. In the first meet of the year, held at Hyde Middle School, Alexandra Dellar, Gr. 6, placed fourth. Gr. 7 girls Alyssa Amick and Gabi Gupta took fourth and eighth, respectively. Claudia Tischler, Gr. 8, was tenth for the girls and Nicholas Navarro, Gr. 8, placed fifth for the boys.

The team continued to show strength in all grades at the Rolling Hills meet, where Dellar placed third and Calvin Kocienda, Gr. 6, took fourth. Amick came in fourth, and Corey Gonzalez, Gr. 7, was seventh. For the eighth graders, Tischler was first for the girls and Navarro took seventh place for the boys. There are just three more regular season meets to go, so come out and cheer on the team! The next meet is Thurs., Sept. 24, at JD Morgan Park in nearby Campbell.
