Middle School Celebrates Earth Day with Student Run Assembly

The middle school had a lively and informative assembly on Earth Day (April 22), showcasing both students’ knowledge and their care for the environment. The assembly was conducted by the students. Susan Moling, Spanish teacher, said, “it was super inspiring! I’d love more assemblies like this one – where the kids create the content.”

The student-run activities were the highlight of the day: grade 8 students presented Earth Day skits and public service announcements, grade 6 students built solar cookers and baked Earth Day cookies, and everywhere around campus Earth Day posters were on display. All of the activities were themed around environmental consciousness and healthy living.

Scott Kley Contini, grade 8 biology teacher,  said the Earth Day assembly was successful. “[The students] amazed me with their level of awareness and inspired me with their creativity,” he said “I feel so lucky to be teaching such talented individuals.”

For more information, contact Lorna Claerbout, K-8 science department chair, at lornac@harker.org.
