Matriculation Ceremony welcomes Class of 2023 to the upper school

Upper school students packed the campus quad on Friday for the 2019-20 Matriculation Ceremony, in which they celebrated the start of the school year and formally welcomed the Class of 2023 to the upper school community. Head of School Brian Yager opened the ceremony with some words for the incoming students, telling them to “enjoy and embrace the process and look to the students in the grades above you for guidance and inspiration as well as for examples of what will be expected of you in the years to come.”

The assembled students also heard from ASB president Avi Gulati, grade 12, who stressed to the freshmen that the community was there to help them succeed when the demands of high school life seem daunting. “You have counselors, advisors, teachers [and] upperclassmen here for support,” he said. “The entire community prides itself on ensuring that you thrive.”

Keeping with tradition, the ceremony also featured great musical performances. Cantilena sang David Montoya’s “Jambo Rafiki Yangu,” directed by Susan Nace, and The Harker String Quartet performed its renditions of the Elvis Presley hit “Can’t Help Falling in Love” and Queen’s “Crazy Little Thing Called Love.”

While the quartet played, grade 9 students each signed the matriculation book and honor code. After returning to their seats, the audience was treated to the annual “Freshman 101” series of skits, which featured students in the role of characters from famous pop-culture properties such as “Star Wars” and Marvel Comics, humorously outlining various aspects of student life, including the dress code, club opportunities, athletics teams and the honor code.

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