Masoni named ACE / ACCG Teacher of the Year

Middle school Latin teacher Lisa Masoni has been named ACE / ACCG Teacher of the Year. The Ancient Coins for Education and Ancient Coin Collectors Guild organizations join forces to encourage Latin studies at the middle and high school levels.

“We have been so impressed by the way you have obviously inspired your students in the study of Roman coins and history,” said Souzana Steverding, director of ACE, in her award letter to Masoni. “When we see how your students … have really been working so hard, devoting obviously a lot of time and energy to researching such varied niches in Roman history as Gallienus, the early adoptive emperors and beliefs in the ancient world, then we know what a fine teacher these students are lucky to have. A huge thank you for your devotion and hard work and the inspiration which you pass to your students,” the letter concluded.

Masoni received a certificate and a commemorative ancient coin, minted in the first century A.D., with the award.