Lower School Teacher Takes Students Out to the Ballgame

Pat Walsh, lower school math teacher, took an enthusiastic group of about 40 lower school students to the San Francisco Giants game, where, coincidentally, music teacher Jennifer Cowgill was directing a boys choir who sang the national anthem before the game.

Although the Giants lost the game, the students remained hopeful and in great spirits throughout. “They screamed , danced and rallied for a come-from-behind win, but it just wasn’t going to happen,” Walsh said. The students even received compliments from other fans on how well-behaved and spirited they were.

Several parents wrote in to show their appreciation. “It’s a good experience that Michael will never forget,” said parent Sara Chan (Michael Kwan, grade 5). “I still can’t stop him from talking about it all day long.”

“It was Christopher’s first game at AT&T Park and he had a great time!” wrote Maria Gong of her grade 4 son. Gita Banga (Anika, grade 5; Anvi, grade 3) said, “It is experiences like this which the kids treasure and remember, making learning fun and enthusiastic. This spirit amazes us. Anika had a wonderful time today, and an experience which she will not forget.”
