Lower School Students Play Pass the Pumpkin and More at First Spirit Club Meeting!

Grades 4 and 5 recently held their first spirit/Service Club meeting of the year, playing fun activities in advance of the Harker Harvest Festival.

“Our first club meeting was great. We had over a dozen fourth and fifth graders sign up. Fun was had by all!” reported Mel Robinson, a grade 5 P.E. teacher who helps coordinate the club.

Among the activities club members participated in during the first meeting were creating as many words from the phrase “Harker Harvest Festival” as possible, playing “pass the pumpkin” (a game like hot potato) and “pass the baby pumpkin.”

The club meets every Monday in the late afternoon. “We keep points during each spirit event, and the top three homerooms are rewarded with an ice cream party at the end of the year!” enthused Robinson.

But the club is not all fun and games. It will also be introducing important outreach activities (such as aiding in California’s coastal cleanup efforts) and incorporating a Green Committee charged with task of uncovering food waste in grade 4-5 lunches.

“We look forward to an exciting year,” said Robinson.

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