Lower School Students Hold First Spirit Event of the Year

The first spirit event of the year got off to a great start for the lower school’s fourth and fifth graders. Held on Sept. 19 during second period, the assembly featured an action-packed cup race and oversized word search activity.

During the cup race, students and their homeroom teachers furiously worked to stack cups until the odd color was reached. The word search activity saw students attempting to find as many “paws, jaws and claws” as possible during the game.

Lower school students have spirit assemblies about once a month throughout the year to promote school spirit and homeroom unity. The students compete against one another for spirit points and the homeroom with the highest score at the end of the year wins a party, so the stakes are high!

According to Mel Robinson, grade 5 P.E. teacher who helped spearhead the event, “Our initial spirit assembly went really well. The spirit/service students brainstormed at our first pre-meeting, and came up with great ideas. The students were engaged, in high spirits and are now looking forward to our next event.”
