Lower School Students Explore Courage in Weeklong Program

Lower school BEST celebrated Courage Week last week. Students explored what courage means and looks like in day-to-day life.

“Our students have challenged themselves to make new friends by sitting at different tables during lunch,” said Brielle Rizzotti, assistant director of BEST for grades 3-5.  “They’ve read and told their own stories about courage. They have stretched their palettes by trying new foods at the salad bar. They’ve carried out courageous acts all week and were recognized by our staff.  Some notable moments included when our first, second and third grade students courageously took the ‘stage’ to participate in a comedy open mic, while our fourth and fifth graders shared their talents and danced to the ‘Whip/Nae Nae.’ The students have learned so much and we’re really proud of their participation, enthusiasm and, of course, their courage!”

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