Lower School Students Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day; Eagle Buddies Lunch Together

To celebrate the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, lower school students participated in a fun spirit assembly in mid-March. Students wearing green were rewarded during the homeroom “green with envy” contest, in which the homeroom with the most students in green earned spirit points. During the assembly, the students grooved to an Irish jig freeze dance, maneuvered their way through a hula hoop pass, and played “Captain of the Ship” – Irish style.

The teachers got into the fun, too, as they participated in a four corners trivia challenge. The fun continued throughout the school as students hunted for shamrocks around the playground and inside the gym building hallways and lobbies, and turned them in to their homeroom teachers for additional spirit points.

After the assembly, the Eagle Buddies from grades 4 and 11 broke off into groups and enjoyed lunch, conversation and play out on the lower school campus’ playground area.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!