Lower School Holds Fun Valentine’s Spirit Assembly

On Feb. 4, the lower school held an exciting Valentine’s assembly, complete with teamwork, dancing and presents for Harker kitchen, maintenance and support staff.

The first activity was a relay in which the students ran to grab a construction-paper heart out of a hula hoop, then ran back to their homeroom where they worked with fellow students to assemble the heart into phrases like those found in conversational heart boxes (Be Mine, Friends Forever, etc.). Each homeroom teacher wrote down the phrases, and after time was up, the homerooms with the most phrases won.

Next there was a Freeze Dance competition set to fun, energetic love songs. Students who were able to stop moving and stand completely still when the music stopped stayed in. Since there were several champion freezers, those who never got out each won points for their homerooms.

At each spirit assembly, homeroom teachers award their homerooms points for behavior, good sportsmanship, spirit and the like, and these points get added to the total, with the top three homerooms at the end of the year awarded a party.

In a show of grand spirit, the service and spirit club members put together 26 Valentine’s goody bags for all the kitchen maintenance, garden and support staff.