Long-Time Employees Honored

Every year, Harker honors employees whose valuable contributions have spanned five years or more. Five-year recipients are presented with a gold “H” pin, and for every five years of service thereafter a diamond is inset into the pin. This year, 58 employees were recognized. We thank them for their immeasurable contributions to student learning and overall Harker life.

Receiving their five-year pins were Miguel Aguilar, Alanna Andrus, Mark Brada, Enni Chen, Jennifer Cowgill, Christine Collins, Randall Dukes, Carlos Rojas Esquivel, Christopher Florio, Irene Gary, Melinda Gonzales (Advancement), Maria Guadalupe Gonzalez, Carol Green, Shelby Guarino, Shaun Kelly Jahshan, Lori Kohan, Sergio Landeros, Eric Leonard, Kevin Lum Lung, Carlos Madrigal, Gary Mallare, Daniel Molin, Alberto Molina, Jesus Mora, Ernestine Porter, Aarthi Ragupathy, Kimberly Sandoval, Naomi Schatz, Eileen Schick, Preeti Sharan and Clif Wilcox.

Those with 10 years of service were Nina Anand, Evan Barth, Judi Beil, Bob Benge, Jeremiah Brewer, Jeffrey Draper, Danny Dunn, Antoinette Gathy, Dan Hughes, Jessie Lara, Marissa Lucketti, Bradley Stoll, Jeff Sutton, Tomas Thompson, Fred Triefenbach, Kevin Williamson, Felicia Wiltz and Brian Wimsett.

The 15-year service pin was awarded to Diann Chung, Kathy Clark and Laura Lang-Ree. Twenty-year pins were given to Pete Anderson, Pam Gelineau, Gail Palmer and Theresa (Smitty) Smith. Finally, Ruth Tebo celebrated 25 years and Dottie Hickey, retiring this year, gave Harker 36 years of service.