Kudos: Shayla He, grade 7, appears on Chinese talk show

In November, seventh grader Shayla He appeared on the Chinese talk show “From Opinion to Future,” filmed in Beijing. She was invited to the program after its producers discovered her singing talents, and was featured in a 14-minute segment in which she also gave a speech, titled “Communicate With the World Through Music,” about discovering a passion for music at a very young age. In it, she explained that her musical studies have “helped me explore the cultures of different countries.” Her speech was interspersed with short musical performances to demonstrate what she had learned. Following a brief interview with the show’s hosts, she gave a performance of an original song called “Who Will Come,” written to highlight the plight of the homeless.

Shayla’s segment can be viewed at the popular Chinese video sharing site Tencent Video, beginning at about one minute and 30 seconds (preceded by ads).

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