Kudos: Harker students lead club teams to impressive finishes at water polo tournament

The 2017 Winterfest water polo tournament took place in Orange County in mid-February, and many Harker athletes brought home hardware for their club teams.

Riyaa Randhawa, grade 7, and Cassandra Ruedy, grade 9, competed with the bronze-winning 14U Girls West Valley Water Polo Club. In addition, the 10U San Jose Express team coached by Victor Adler and Ted Ujifusa, also took third place. That team included Harker students Summer Adler, Marcus Blennemann, Angelina Burrows, Julia Ernsting, Robert Fields, Theodore Kratter, Stefan Maxim, Adam Pawlinger, Melody Yin, all grade 4, Alejandro Cheline, Jasmine Hansra, both grade 3, and Ian Cheline, grade 2.

You can check out all the brackets and winners here: https://sites.google.com/site/winterfest17waterpolo/
