Kudos: Grade 5 Girls Earn Accolades in Fencing and Golf

Jerrica Liao, grade 5, continues to improve her swordsmanship at regional and national tournaments. Liao fenced in the Super Youth Circuit, a national points event held in San Francisco the weekend of March 19-20, finishing third in Youth-10 (Y10) girls foil, out of 21 competitors. She won five out of six pool bouts and two elimination matches before being eliminated in the semifinals. In the Y12 girls foil event, the bouts were tougher; Liao still won three out of five in pools, but drew a very tough elimination bout against the number 14-ranked girl in the U.S., and was eliminated, finishing 17 out of 33 competitors. As of March 21, Liao is ranked number 10 in the U.S. in Y10 girls foil and 39th in Y12 girls foil. In February, Liao finished third at the Regional Youth Circuit, in San Francisco in Y10 girls foil and sixth in Y12 girls foil.

Katherine Zhu, grade 5, was named Player of the Year in the 10-year-old girl division by the USkids Golf Bay Area Winter Tour 2010, after she competed in the USkids Bay Area winter tour championship in early March in Half Moon Bay. Zhu was in the last group of 190 players and finished her windy, rainy round at 6:30 p.m., in the dark. She eagled the fifth hole (par 5) and finished with 38 shots. Zhu ranked number one following the event for the winter tournament session and thus received the player of the year award. In late breaking news, Zhu finished first in the Girls First Flight of the Junior Tour of Northern California – Spring Series III, at Diablo Grande Golf Course March 26-27 with a combined score of 169. Junior events include ages up to age 18, making Zhu’s effort all the more remarkable.
