Kindergartners Get a Kick Out of Having Breakfast with Santa

Last month, the lower school’s youngest students took to the Bucknall gym for a much anticipated breakfast with Santa shortly after the start of their day on Dec. 14.

Led into the gym by their teachers, the excited kindergartners met up with their parents and were treated to a delicious breakfast prepped by the kitchen staff, complete with bacon, eggs, waffles, fresh fruit, orange juice, coffee and tea.

Partway into their yummy meal, Sarah Leonard, primary school head, introduced Santa to the children as classes lined up by teacher and, one by one, walked over and sat with him to discuss their wishes for the holiday season.

The students had dressed up for the event and looked very sharp as they took turns talking to Santa before returning to their tables where their parents sat waiting. After finishing up eating, playing and socializing they were lined up by homerooms and filed neatly back into their classes to continue on with a day that had a very special start.