Kindergarten Student Performs Admirably as Principal for a Day

Kindergartner Aiden Young recently served as the lower school’s “principal for a day,” thanks to an auction item he won at the Harker Family & Alumni Picnic.

Going by the name Principal Aiden, he took his seat behind the principal’s desk on the morning of March 23. His first order of business was canceling a faculty meeting to allow lower school teachers more time to prepare for conferences.

“The teachers were just overwhelmingly supportive in emailing him back with words of gratitude, each of which brought a smile to his face,” recalled Sarah Leonard, primary division head.

Leonard recalled that Principal Aiden passed up an opportunity to have lunch at a restaurant of his choice in favor of eating on campus. There, Chef David prepared him lunch that consisted of his requested grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup and water. While dipping half sandwiches into the soup, he rated the lunch as “very delicious,” said Leonard.

Later on in the day, Principal Aiden met one-on-one with Chris Nikoloff, head of school, followed by a meeting with the operational team of administrators, who each offered a summary of their respective roles at Harker.

At the end of the day, Principal Aiden directed a craft activity in his homeroom. Under his instruction, his peers made bunny ear headbands. Their determined work was rewarded with small packets of gummy bunny treats that Principal Aiden happily passed out at dismissal time.

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