Kindergarten Class Treated to Surprise Puppet Show

The “parent reads” program at The Harker School gives parents of kindergartners an opportunity to come to the homeroom class and read a story to the students. In late November, Gerry-louise Robinson, a kindergarten teacher, and her students got more than just a Leo Lionni story –  they got an entire performance, complete with puppets. “The parent (Wayne Liu, father of Nathan Liu, K) brought in two Sesame Street puppets, which he used first to introduce himself and the story, and then to comment/ask questions about the book. It was fantastic and the children just could not get enough! They laughed and talked with the puppets,” said Robinson. The puppets were a surprise to her as well, and a novelty so far in the “parent reads” program. The creative approach had a strong, positive reaction on the students. “It was just magical and so appropriate for this level!  Truly wonderful,” Robinson said.