Kid Talk – May 2009

Students Show Their Knowledge of Knowledge

Asked about knowledge, Gr. 3 students had some diverse opinions!

Vanessa Tyagi defined knowledge as, “The smartness you have. You get it by studying and going to school.”

Albert Drewke also says that knowledge is a good thing to have. “It helps you learn and helps you grow up into big strong people that know a lot.”

Victor Shin added, “I use knowledge to help me study.”

Raveena Panja concurred, and further explained how one obtains knowledge. “Knowledge is something that’s in your brain. You get it by studying and doing lots of homework, and from your parents. Anybody you know can give you lots of knowledge. It’s a good thing to have because then you can think better!”

Kevin Xu reflected on the purpose of having knowledge. “I think knowledge is important because it educates people for the future. You get it from school, parents and sometimes summer camps.”

Krishna Bheda said that knowledge is, “What you know in your brain and you get it by going to school, by learning math and language arts and science and history. And when you go to college you take tests and when you get out of school you know a lot of stuff. When someone asks you something you’re supposed to know, you can tell it to them.”

Mateusz Kranz sees value in knowledge. “Knowledge is good because it helps you be a teacher when you want to grow up and be a teacher. I don’t know what I want to be but knowledge helps me now. I know when to get to class on time and it helps me when I’m studying.”