Keva Plank Challenges Offer Fun Way for Students to De-Stress

Earlier this semester, upper school students began building structures using Keva planks in an ongoing contest comprising various challenges. “We thought this might be a fun way for kids to do something creative and de-stress in the library,” said upper school librarian Lauri Vaughan. “The planks are out for anyone to use pretty much all the time.”

In the first challenge, students were tasked with extending a structure as far as possible past the edge of a table with no underlying support. Winners Tiffany Zhu, grade 11, Connie Miao, grade 11, and Vivek Bharadwaj, grade 12, devised a structure that stretched 18 inches past the table’s edge.

Most recently, students were challenged to build the tallest structure possible using only 50 blocks. Two teams tied with a winning height of 63 inches: seniors Evan Lohn and Divya Periyakoil and seniors Vivek Bharadwaj and Naman Jindal.
