Junior Classical Leaguers Earn 32 Top Three Ribbons at Ludi Octobres

Harker’s upper school Latin students attended the Ludi Octobres competition this year and brought home a number of top prizes!

Latin 1: Sreyas Misra, grade 9, first place in Latin Derivatives and first place in Latin Reading Comprehension; Mary Liu, grade 9, second place in Latin Vocabulary.

Latin 2: Erik Andersen, grade 10, second place in Latin Vocabulary and third place Latin Grammar; Sahithya Prakash, grade 9, second place in Latin Derivatives and second place in Latin Reading Comprehension.

Latin 3: Urvi Gupta , grade 9, first place in Latin Derivatives; Kevin Duraiswamy, grade 9, first place in Latin Grammar and second place in Latin Reading Comprehension; Helena Huang, grade 9,  first place in Greek Mythology and second place in Latin Derivatives; Sarika Bajaj, grade 9, first place in Latin Derivatives; Saachi Jain, grade 9, second place in Greek Mythology; Brian Tuan, grade 9, second place in Certamen; Sean Youn and Nikhil Dilip, both grade 9, tied for third place in Latin Reading Comprehension; Eric Henshall, grade 11, third place in Latin Grammar and third place in Latin Derivatives.

Latin Advanced: Suchita Nety, grade 10, first place in Latin Reading Comprehension and second place in Certamen; Jenny Chen, grade 10, first place in Latin Vocabulary and second place in Latin Grammar; Richard Fan, grade 10, first place in Greek Mythology; Sean Fernandes, grade 10, tie for second place in Daily Life & History and third place in Greek Mythology; Jessica Lin, grade 11, second place in Roman Daily Life & History (tie) ; Shannon Su, grade 10, second place in Latin Vocabulary and third place in Latin Derivatives (tie); Jonathan Cho, grade 10, second place in Latin Reading Comprehension; Molly Wolfe, grade 10, third place in Latin Derivatives (tie); Eric Zhang, grade 10, third place in Roman Daily Life & History.