Journalism Students Experience Europe

Harker journalism students started their summer off with an exciting and eye-opening trek to Europe to learn and write about the continent’s rich culture and history. The first stop on their trip was the Icelandic capital, Reykjavik, where they searched out stories and took a tour of the new Harpa concert hall, whose artistic director agreed to be interviewed by the students. From there, they went to relax at the Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa.

Next on the agenda was an interview with Katrin Juliusdottir, Iceland’s minister of tourism, energy and industry, followed by a day of fun and sightseeing traveling along the Golden Circle, a popular tourist route in the south of Iceland. Among the many breathtaking sights were Skogarfoss Falls, the Solheimajokull glacier and a still-sunny sky at 11:48 p.m.

The group then traveled to England, where they stayed at the Old Rectory in Tattingstone, Suffolk, to complete their assignments from Iceland and begin work for fall journalism activities. On June 18, they went to Ipswich to find more stories. Back in Tattingstone, the students were visited by veteran Associated Press photographer Harry Hamburg, who shared his vast knowledge and many amusing anecdotes with the group.

After a productive time in England, the students boarded a train bound via the Channel Tunnel for Paris, then took the overnight train to Venice. After enjoying some food and sightseeing, the students went on another story search in Venice’s San Marco area. The remainder of their time in Venice was spent sightseeing and working on their assignments, as well as enjoying a special dinner at a 700-year-old restaurant.

On June 25, everyone gathered on a train to return to Paris, enjoying lunch during a brief stop in Milan. During their stay in the City of Lights, the students visited the famous Louvre and toured the Seine river and Notre Dame Cathedral. They also stopped by the Eiffel Tower, where they enjoyed authentic French crepes.

On June 28, after their excursion through Paris, the group hopped a train back to England, this time to London. While in the English capital, they interviewed Member of Parliament Yasmin Quresh of the Labor Party, who gave the students a tour of Parliament and answered questions about her job. The group even got to see the House of Commons and House of Lords in session.

The students arrived home safely on June 30. Articles and photos chronicling their journey through Europe are posted at
