Journalism Hauls in 10 CSPA Gold Circle Awards, Winged Post Nominated for Crown Award

Harker’s journalism department recently received 10 Gold Circle Awards from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, which also named the Winged Post a finalist for the Crown Award, the winners of which will be announced in March.

Gold Circle winners were: Elisabeth Siegel, grade 12, third place in Newspaper News Features; Shay Lari-Hosain, grade 12, third place in Newspaper Art/Illustration: Portfolio of Work, first place in Newspaper Typography: Overall Look, second place in Newspaper Typography: Look of One Page and second place in Digital Media Personal Opinion; Kacey Fang ’15, second place in Newspaper Informational Graphics and Newspaper Photo Layout: Full Page; Kathryn Duan, grade 11, and Alex Jang ’15, third place in Digital Media Humor; Jessica Chang ’15 and Priscilla Pan ’15, first and third place in Digital Media Video Feature Package.

Certificates of Merit went to juniors Ria Gandhi and Alex Youn in Newspaper Sports Features; Shay Lari-Hosain, Kshithija Mulam, grade 11, and Meilan Steimle, grade 11, in Newspaper Photo Story; Shay Lari-Hosain in Newspaper Photo Illustration; and Kacey Fang in Newspaper Informational Graphics. Go Journalism Eagles!

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