“Into the Amazon” Speaker Coming to Harker April 9

The Harker Speaker Series, co-sponsored by the communication studies and business and entrepreneurship departments, presents documentarian Larry Lansburgh in a talk titled, “Into the Amazon: How One Presentation Changed My Life.”

This talk is especially appropriate for middle and upper school students, so bring your kids! It will be held on Thursday, April 9, at 5 p.m. in the Nichols Hall auditorium. There is no entry fee, but RSVPs are required; just email communications@harker.org.

Lansburgh is the writer, producer and director of “Dream People of the Amazon,” a documentary about the Achuar people of the Ecuadorian Amazon. In his talk, he will share how a single presentation dramatically changed his life and how he went on to make a real difference in the lives of the Achuar people.

“It was a presentation – just several people speaking to us in the audience,” said Lansburgh, “that led me to a life-and-death struggle in the Amazon rain forest. … The power of presentations – your presentations, your standing in front of a group and speaking – can literally change lives.”

Lansburgh received an Emmy for “The Hidden Struggle,” a one-hour PBS documentary on the inspiring achievements of developmentally disabled young adults, and an Academy Award nomination for “Dawn Flight,” a dramatic short. He also has produced documentaries on the indigenous cultures of Alaska and Hawaii.

Come hear this fascinating speaker!

The Harker Speaker Series (HSS) was launched in 2007 to bring leaders and visionaries from a wide variety of fields to Harker to share their expertise or unique experiences with Harker parents, faculty and students as well as the greater community. For more information, contact communications@harker.org.

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