In the News, November 2009

San Jose Mercury News, Sept. 30: Laurie Daniel’s column featured the new Jarvis Winery offering, “Will’s Science Project,” which was a product of alumnus Will Jarvis’ MS ’97 Harker days and his Gr. 8 project. Link

San Jose Business Journal, Oct. 2: SJBJ’s list on LEED-certified spaces included Harker’s Nichols Hall as a gold-certified building.

San Jose Mercury News, Sept. 30: The Harker football team’s 3-0 starting record, a first in its 10-year history, is recognized with mentions of Rishi Bhatia, Gautam Krishnamurthi, both Gr. 11, and Cole Davis, Gr. 12, and the team’s decision to dedicate the season to John Near. Link

San Jose Mercury News, Sept. 30: Girls Highlight Reel mentions water polo captain senior Christina Ma’s strong start with 31 goals. Link

New York Magazine, Oct. 5: Japanese retailers named designer and alumnus Alexander Wang MS ’88 the hottest international designer brand. Wang received twice as many votes as Givenchy, named as the second-hottest international designer brand. Link

PR Newswire: Eight Harker students were awarded top honors in the Junior Engineering Technology Society’s (JETS) annual TEAMS engineering competition. Competing against more than 1,200 teams from around the nation, class of 2009 graduates Hanh Dang, Daniel Kim, Tsung-Ju (Jeff)  Lu, Kartik Venkatraman, Kevin Wang, Kevin Wu, Nikita Sinha and Jeff Mandell were given eight real-life theme park engineering scenarios involving design, construction and performance. In addition to individual certificates of excellence, the team was awarded a three-night stay at Walt Disney World and Harker received $5,000. Link

New York Times, Oct. 16: Designer and Harker alumnus Alexander Wang MS ’88 had a photo and mention in the Style slideshow. Link

ABC News, Aug. 19: Ramya Rangan, Gr. 10, was one of seven girls from the United States who participated in the eighth annual China Girls Math Olympiad; she brought home a bronze medal. Link
