In the News: March 2016, March 29, 2016 — A review of the “Family Party” film, which features Harker alumni Vishal Vaidya ’15, Rahul Nalamasu ’13, Jai Ahuja ’15 and Cecilia Lang-Ree ’13

India West, March 25, 2016 — A news story about the film “Family Party,” which was recently acquired by Netflix. 

The Davis Enterprise, March 18, 2016 — Junior Niki Iyer is mentioned in a story about Davis High’s performance at a recent track meet.

Contra Costa Times, March 16, 2016 — Harker is mentioned as one of the schools that produced a finalist in this year’s Intel Science Talent Search., March 8, 2016 — A story about a show in San Mateo in which Harker’s varsity dancers teamed up with the Ragazzi Boys Chorus.

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