In the News, July 2010

As summer rolls on, Harker continues to appear in news outlets nationwide. Stay tuned throughout the month for more updates! — July 1, 2010: Harker is mentioned as one of three U.S. high schools where “it’s cool to be smart,” and is identified as a top school in the “STEM” subjects: science, technology, engineering and math. The story also mentions Harker’s quality facilities, knowledgeable, attentive faculty and the numerous awards acquired during the 2009-10 school year. Chris Nikoloff, head of school, was interviewed for the story and said, “There really isn’t any limit to how far a student can pursue a passion.”

San Jose Mercury News — July 19, 2010: The newspaper has printed a brief story about the middle school debate students reaching the finals of the National Middle School Forensics Tournament in Des Moines, Iowa. The tournament featured more than 450 students from 20 states.
