IBM Fellow Visits Middle School Science Classes

Don Chamberlin, a retired IBM fellow and scientist visited Raji Swaminathan’s middle school science classes on March 11 for the third time in as many years. Chamberlin, who holds a Ph.D. from Stanford in electrical engineering, talked to the students about engineering as a career choice and the importance of studying math and science. Chamberlin is a staunch proponent of getting more women interested in engineering careers.

Students discussed several “cool” and “not cool” things about engineering, and did an activity where they estimated how many plastic balls could into Swaminathan’s classroom “to a great degree of precision using various estimation techniques.” Finally, Chamberlin shared with the class a five-minute movie clip made by his colleague John Cohn, who is also an IBM fellow. Titled “Engineering Paradise,” it uses rap music to send an inspiring message to students to study math and science and become engineers.
