Homecoming Preparations in Full Swing!

Harker’s 2010 Homecoming, the second at Davis Field, is Fri., Nov. 12, against Valley Christian of Dublin, and preparations have begun. Balloting for the Homecoming king and queen took place at the end of October but a score of tough backstairs jobs are underway. A few days before game day, additional bleachers will be erected to accommodate the crowd, public address equipment will be checked and re-checked, placement for others on and near the field – alumni, cheerleaders, Eaglets (the littlest Eagles), the jazz band – will have been allocated and the groups notified.

Parking, always tricky at big events, is being carefully regulated. Parking information is posted on the Harker website. Please note the main parking lot will be closed to all but those with appropriate placards and everyone should park at Blackford and take the shuttle to Saratoga. Student pick-up on game day will be only at the rear loading zone.

Up front, things are equally organized. In front of Main, the Davis family’s motor home will again host guests of honor while a few yards away, on Rosenthal Field, tailgaters will deploy and bounce houses will go up. Alumni will have a special area to congregate, dodge the crowd and see friends.The real action starts at 4 p.m., when the JV team takes the field. Barbeque will be available for purchase starting at 5 and the ever-popular Carley’s Café food trailer opens at 6 p.m.

Before the game starts, though, will come the semifinal round of  the traditional tug-of-war contest, along with a dash of entertainment by the Varsity Dance Troupe and the Harker Jazz band.

Prior to the Big Game, Junior Cheerleaders take over the field, followed by the unforgettable Eaglets Fly-Through, and the national and Harker anthems will be sung by all the Harker choirs combined. At halftime the Homecoming court will be presented, with the king and queen announced at the Homecoming dance on Saturday evening. Get your tickets now, because this is sure to be a real extravaganza!

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