HEART Enters Sustainability Decathlon

The Harker Environmental and Recycling Team (HEART) presented activities and actions to help promote a greener school at the Santa Clara University Sustainability Decathlon on May 9, 2009. Senior Raghav Aggarwal, the club’s outgoing president, Akshay Aggarwal (incoming president), Gr. 10 and Christina Ma (incoming vice-president), Gr. 11, attended and won the award for technological innovation for their presentation.

Highlights of their presentation included how HEART is involved with helping students be more environmentally friendly and aware with their daily actions. They also mentioned how checking and maintaining adequate tire pressure could reduce carbon emissions by two tons, and illustrated how HEART recycles paper for the school on a weekly basis. In addition, the team encourages the reuse of plastic water bottles, as plastic takes a long time to decompose, and promotes the use of recycled paper in classrooms and for printing. Other efforts were the “Un-Plug That Appliance” Initiative, which encourages teachers to unplug classroom electronics when not in use. HEART also began work on a Wall of Fame in honor of students that have contributed to their efforts.
