Harker Ultimate Frisbee team wins second championship in as many years

Last month, four Harker students took first place for the second straight year at the 2019 Middle School State Championship Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Sacramento! Eighth graders Athreya Daniel, Brian Harder and Johnathan Mo and fifth grader Leah Harder were one of 12 teams competing in Division II, the category for developing teams. Other cities represented at the event were Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Berkeley and Davis. Rain began to pour during the team’s final match against San Francisco’s “Fire Hucks,” but it forged ahead for an 11-5 victory.

The students first came together to play Ultimate Frisbee – a fast-growing sport that now boasts more than 800 college teams – two years ago in an after-school club, where they developed their skills in a fun and friendly environment. The club’s faculty sponsor for this year as well as last year was middle school English teacher Rebecca Williams.

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