Harker Team Finishes First in California, Third in National Economics Challenge

Harker finished first in the California Economics Challenge and third in the National Economics Challenge, held in late May in New York City. The team, consisting of rising seniors Ramya Rangan, Michelle Deng, Nikhil Narayen and Max Isenberg, was selected to go to New York after the team consisting of Rangan, Deng, rising senior Albert Wu and recent graduate Jason Young qualified for the national competition in the national semifinal round via a paper test administered at Harker.

The California Economics Challenge, held in early spring and sponsored by 3M, CCEE and the National Economics Challenge, is geared to recognize what the high school seniors learned in their twelfth-grade economics course. Teacher Peter Itokazu  led the winning student teams. The contest attracts 5,000 students from 32 states.

Prior to the national semifinal round, Harker had four teams qualify in the top six statewide. Because Harker could only send one team to the state competition, Rangan, Wu, Young and recent graduate Karthik Dhore represented the school at the state level and won the state championship to advance to the national semifinals.

