Harker Teachers Enhance Teaching Skills at LID Vision Day

Last week, Harker held its first LID (Learning, Innovation and Design) Vision Day, during which teachers shared with fellow faculty members the technology-based methods they have been using in their classrooms. On the lower, middle and upper school campuses, teachers held special sessions that were attended by other faculty members. Teachers used a mobile app called Guidebook to help them find the sessions, which covered a wide variety of topics.

At the upper school, physics teacher Scott Pflaumer showed teachers how to add questions to YouTube videos with an app called Edpuzzle. English teacher Ruth Meyer hosted a session that showed how coloring and meditation can aid in teaching world religions, and biology teacher Mike Pistacchi demonstrated the effects of teaching choices on student stress.

Middle school teachers had the opportunity to learn from social studies teacher Jonathan Brusco, who explained how to use Badgelist and gamification to promote student learning by setting milestones. History teachers Cyrus Merrill and Ramsay Westgate also showed how gaming could enhance learning in their session about classroom video games.

Heather Russell, lower school English teacher, showed her fellow teachers the merits of interactive HyperDocs, while Scott Murphy taught teachers how to use YouTube more effectively by exploring YouTube’s own functionality as well as apps.

“It is great to see our highly talented colleagues present these workshops right under our roof,” said middle school computer science teacher Sharmila Misra. “It is fun learning from our own.”
