Harker Teacher Institute Attended by Teachers Statewide

Over 100 public and private school educators from around California attended Harker’s third annual Harker Teacher Institute on June 18 to explore some of the latest instructional technologies.

For the past two years, Harker has sponsored this institute for educators, and this year’s institute focused on the instructional use of free – or almost free software – and Web resources. Presented by Harker’s Instructional Technology Department, this year’s event was especially well-attended with over 100 teachers attending from schools throughout the state. “Harker really is like a lab school when it comes to applying technology to teaching and learning,” said Fred Triefenbach, upper school computer science department chair who organizes the annual event. “Having opportunities like this to share with our fellow educators, not only helps all of their students and our community, it helps our presenters reflect and improve their own teaching.“ Planning for this year’s event began in February, and included collaboration with outside supporters such as SFMOMA and Google.

Topics covered included “Leading From the Trenches! Google Docs and more,” the keynote presented by Dan Hudkins, Harker’s director of instructional technology, and breakout sessions on Moodle Media, Threaded Discussions, Google Docs, Screencasting with JING, Music Editing in Audacity and ArtThink.

For more information about this annual event for educators, and to be notified when registration opens for next year’s event, contact communications@harker.org.