Harker Students Take Several Top Spots at TSA State Conference

In mid-March, 14 Harker students attended the fourth annual Technology Student Association State Conference in Bakersfield, taking top spots in several categories. Individual top placers included Sophia Luo, grade 12, who took first place in career preparation, and sophomore Adrian Chu, who placed first in extemporaneous speech. In promotional graphics, Kaitlin Hsu, grade 10, placed second. Sumer Kohli, grade 10, took second place in essays on technology, and freshman Alexander Young finished second in extemporaneous speech. Derek Yen, grade 10, took third in essays on technology.

In team competition, the team of seniors Cynthia Hao and Belinda Yan and sophomore Sharon Yan placed first in fashion design. Kohli, along with Alexander Young and Kaushik Shivakumar, both grade 9, landed in first place in technology bowl, while Gary Tsai, Neil Bai, Kevin Xu and Aadith Srinivasan, all grade 10, took second place in architectural revolution.

The Technology Student Association, chartered in 1978, is a national organization that fostersĀ  opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) for middle and high school students. The organization boasts 230,000 student members nationwide, according to its website.
