Harker Students Make Multiple Top 10s at National JCL Convention

This article was originally published in the Fall 2011 Harker Quarterly.

Harker’s Latin program is going strong, and students have an annual event at which to showcase their knowledge in the National Junior Classical League Convention.

In July, Harker students, along with John Hawley and Lisa Masoni, upper and middle school Latin teachers, traveled to Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Ky., for this year’s convention. The convention is attended by more than 1,000 students every year who compete in multiple academic and creative arts contests, and several Harker students had top 10 placements in multiple categories.

Nik Datuashvili, grade 11, took second place in four categories: ancient geography IV, Greek derivatives, Latin derivatives and reading comprehension. He also earned fourth place in academic heptathlon and eighth place in Latin grammar advanced, Latin vocabulary IV and Certamen advanced level.

Meawhile, junior Richard Fan took eighth in Hellenic history IV, ninth in Greek derivatives IV and Roman history IV and eighth in Certamen advanced.

Sean Fernandes, grade 11, reached ninth place in ancient geography and 10th in reading comprehension prose level IV.

Finishing fifth in girls dramatic interpretation and Latin oratory III was Zina Jawadi, grade 10, who also took sixth place in girls Latin prose.

Grade 12 student Jessica Lin took first place in Roman life V+ and 10th in the grade 11 girls essay category.

Finally, junior Sean Nierat earned fourth place in grade 10 traditional photography.

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