Harker speech and debate team has a great showing at Tournament of Champions

Harker students performed very well at the Tournament of Champions last weekend. This prestigious speech and debate tournament, hosted by the University of Kentucky, is open to students who have performed well at varsity invitationals, and Harker qualified a number of students.

Junior Avi Gulati won first place in original oratory, an outstanding achievement! Senior Haris Hosseini was third in oratory, and Nikki Solanki, grade 11, was third in program oral interpretation. Senior Alycia Cary was in the semifinals of oratory. Additionally, Nakul Bajaj and David Feng, both grade 11, and Andrew Sun, grade 10, all made it to the semifinals of congressional debate.

Finally, Akshay Manglik, grade 10, and Sachin Shah, grade 11, qualified to compete in Lincoln-Douglas debate. Both junior Prerana Acharyya and Solanki (who qualified in two events!) qualified to compete in dramatic interpretation. It was thrilling for the whole team to see so many Harker Eagles do so well at the tournament!

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