Harker Senior One of Nine in U.S. Named to National Debate Team

Harker senior Aditya Dhar was named to Debate Team USA! He is one of only nine students selected nationwide to represent the U.S. in World Schools Debate. The team, selected from applications submitted to the National Speech & Debate Association, will compete in a series of global debate competitions with teams from six continents, and will finish up at the World Championship in August.

The application process began in May and took several months, said Cindi Timmons, team manager and coach. The selection process was rigorous. “From hundreds of applicants that began with an online application, a series of essays, a teacher and administrator recommendation, and a video speech, we moved to a semifinal round that involved another video of a debate speech and then to the final 20 that participated in an online interview process with a nationwide panel,” she noted.

Check out this article on Dhar in the Mercury News!

The team has an extensive travel schedule, including trips to the EurOpen in Hamburg, Germany, the PanAm Tournament in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and domestic trips. The year will culminate at the World Championship in Bali, Indonesia, in August. Go Aditya!

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