Harker Sends Another Performer to the All Honors Choir

In what has been an outstanding year for Harker in the performing arts, seeing both individuals and groups recognized for dedication to their art and excellence in execution, another Harker student is being honored. Rising junior Nina Sabharwal has been recognized for her vocal excellence and will be singing with the All National Honor Choir in Washington, D.C., this June.

Sabharwal will perform under the direction of former San Jose State University professor Dr. Elena Sharkova at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Sabharwal enjoys singing classical and jazz pieces and prefers lyrical and story-centered pieces. She is currently a member of Camerata, directed by Susan Nace, and will be singing with the Harker Jazz Band, directed by Chris Florio, next year.

Of the event, Sabharwal has said that she is “excited to take what I’ve learned from my lessons and from singing in Harker choirs and build on that with this opportunity.” Sabharwal will be singing alongside fellow Harker student James Seifert.