Harker Programming Invitational attracts Bay Area coding enthusiasts

An impressive 46 teams showed up to participate in this year’s Harker Programming Invitational, which took place March 19 at the upper school campus. Open to all Bay Area high schools, the event featured both advanced and novice divisions and had teams solve coding problems designed by officers in the Harker Programming Club, who organized the event.

“This year, our contest ran very smoothly as we planned the problem set development and contest details well in advance of the competition itself,” said club co-president Manan Shah, grade 12. “Each member of our team contributed significantly to the success of the competition, whether it be in writing the problems, setting up our contest server, talking to our sponsors or managing the completion of designated tasks.”

Club members also had the task of attracting event sponsors, which included IBM, the Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science, Star League, Make School and ACEprep.

In addition to the competition, the event also featured talks by Stanford University professor Chris Manning, and Angie Krackeler of IBM’s Watson team, both experts in artificial intelligence.

More info about this year’s HPI can be found in Harker Aquila’s coverage of the event.
