Harker Preschool Students Share Favorite Ways to Spend the School Day

This article originally appeared in the spring 2016 Harker Quarterly.

On a recent visit to the preschool campus, Harker Quarterly caught up with an enthusiastic group of 4-year-olds during recess, who shared what they are most passionate about at school. When asked to name their favorite part of the school day, students cited everything from climbing high on the monkey bars to having yummy snack time to playing superheroes with friends. Enjoy this special feature highlighting how preschoolers say they love to spend the day!

“I have fun playing with Rescue Bots and making fire trucks out of clay.” – Connor Todasco

“I mostly like to play super fighter with my friends. I also like to make pizzas out of playdough.” – Caden Walker

“I love using the easel in art class and climbing way up on the monkey bars!” – Maya Akunuri

“My favorite thing is playing and eating yummy snacks. And doing something fun.” – Kabir Bhatia

“I like everything!” – Daniela Bonomi

“Monkey bars!” – Elsa Wick

“The best thing about school is playing with friends. Oh, and climbing up trees and sliding back down.” – Pasha Heidari

“When I’m outside I like to ride the bikes. Inside, I like to build things. That’s what I like to do at home, too.” – Colin Campbell

“I like to play with building blocks and make stuff. I especially like to build houses.” – Aaron Lau

“I like to make things in art. I like to make anything!” – Navya Maddipudi

“Art is really fun. You can make a lot of stuff for your mom.”
– Sophie Shen

“Science projects are really fun to make. In science class we learned all about rainbows.” – Tvisha Singh

“I can’t wait to go outside and play on the monkey bars!” – Julie Hu

“Making a big fire station out of building blocks is really fun.” – Liam Halback

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