Harker Preschool specialists speak at annual kindergarten conference

Two Harker Preschool teachers recently attended the California Kindergarten Association’s conference in Santa Clara. The annual gathering brings together pre-K, transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and grade 1 teachers from across the state to share best practices and innovative strategies for engaging young children. The theme this year was STREAM (science, technology, reading, engineering, art and math).

Mara Beckerman, preschool music and movement specialist, and Robyn Stone, preschool STEM specialist, both spoke at the conference.

More than a score of teachers attended Stone’s workshop, titled “Mathematize This!” Attendees posted many positive reviews, including, “This has been the most valuable workshop so far. It was an ‘aha’ workshop! Awesome presenter, I learned so much.” Another reviewer said, “Great ideas to use in the classroom. Showing activities we can use. Great ideas I can’t wait to use.”

Beckerman held a workshop called “Using Music and Movement to Educate the Whole Child.” Her workshop focused on giving teachers ways to incorporate creative movement into their classrooms, and how to use songs, rhymes and books to inspire such experiences. About 60 attended, Beckerman noted. Attendees who evaluated her online posted many kind remarks, including “So much useful information regarding child development and how it correlates/grows by using music and movement. Loved doing the exercises!” and “This was my favorite class of the conference. Can’t wait to use her ideas in my classroom.”

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