Updated: Harker Mourns Beloved English Teacher

Feb. 13, 2012

A letter from John Mittelstet, Sharron’s husband:

Dear Family and Friends (and Students past and present) of Sharron Reynolds Mittelstet,

Many of you have asked that I let you know as soon as I had details of the scholarship fund in Sharron’s memory.  See below for details on the Harker Scholarship fund. In the meantime, many of you in Texas have discussed making your contribution to the Borger High School scholarship fund.   I think that is a great idea, too.

So whichever makes the most sense to you, we’d very much appreciate your making a contribution to the fund of your choice instead of sending flowers.  Sharron is blessed to have been able to call so many of you friends, including those of you who were her students (whether from Amarillo 40 years ago or Harker as recently as three months ago) and she loved you all.
(signed) John M

“We all consider it an honor to have these contributions be given in loving memory of Sharron,” said Joe Rosenthal, executive director of advancement. “Sharron Mittelstet made a tremendous, positive impact on the lives of many children during her distinguished teaching career here at The Harker School. In return, initiated by Sharron’s husband John Mittelstet,  we are proud to provide scholarship assistance in honor of Sharron  to motivated and talented children who would otherwise not be able to attend Harker. “

Families wishing to contribute to this endowed scholarship fund can make their checks payable to The Harker School in memory of Sharon Mittelstet. Contributions will be invested in the associated endowed scholarship fund. “Through this fund, Sharon will continue to positively impact Harker students in perpetuity,” said Rosenthal.

Feb. 3, 2012
Sharron Reynolds Mittelstet
Dec. 6, 1944 – Feb. 2, 2012

It is with great sadness we announce that Sharron Mittelstet, longtime English teacher at The Harker School, passed away last night, Feb. 2, after a brave battle with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. She was 67 years old. Our hearts go out to the Mittelstet family at this difficult time.

Mrs. Mittelstet began teaching English at Harker in 1992 and has been a familiar, friendly face in the Harker halls for the past two decades. She began teaching in the middle school and joined the upper school in its second year. The students lucky enough to be in an English class taught by Mrs. Mittelstet will always remember her passion for literature, her warmth and her razor-sharp Southern wit, which was in evidence right up until the last. Her impact on the lives of Harker students will be felt for generations.

Sharron Mittelstet is survived by John, her husband of 47 years, and their daughter, Claire.

There will be a memorial for Mrs. Mittelstet on Sat., March 10, on the upper school campus. Details will follow. Lori Villarreal, assistant to the upper school head, is collecting thoughts and wishes for the Mittelstet family at loriv@harker.org or at 500 Saratoga Ave., San Jose, 95129. Read the student-written Talon/Winged Post article at http://www.talonwp.com/2012/02/featured/beloved-english-teacher-sharron-mittelstet-passes/.
