Harker Latin Students Bring Home Plethora of Top Awards

Last month, a dozen upper school students attended the 2016 California Junior Classical League State Convention. Students had a lot of fun and won an impressive array of awards! Harker’s upper school was named the top overall high school for our division, and won first place for our digital scrapbook, third place for our club T-shirt and first place in competitive certamen. 

Students won awards in 33 individual categories. Special congratulations to delegate Venkat Sankar, grade 11, for winning the top delegate award in all three categories (academics, art and combined), the top score of all delegates in all levels on two academic tests (classical art and ancient geography), individual awards in eight individual competitions and first place as part of a competitive certamen team. Here is the complete list of awards for upper school students:

Venkat Sankar, grade 11:

  • Top Delegate – Academic
  • Top Delegate – Arts
  • Top Delegate – Combined
  • Latin Sight Reading – Prose, first place
  • Latin Sight Reading – Poetry, first place
  • Ancient Geography, first place (scored highest score of all delegates in all levels of competition)
  • Classical Art, first place (scored highest score of all delegates in all levels of competition)
  • Maps: first place
  • Dramatic Interpretation – Poetry, second place
  • Daily Life, second place
  • Modern Myth, second place
  • Competitive Certamen (team), first place

Andrew Semenza, grade 10:

  • Dramatic Interpretation – Poetry, first place
  • Competitive Certamen (team), first place
  • Grammar, second place
  • Essay, second place
  • Latin Sight Reading – Prose, third place
  • Latin Sight Reading – Poetry, third place
  • Derivatives, third place

Elisabeth Siegel, grade 12:

  • Academic Pentathlon, first place (scored highest score of all delegates in all levels of competition)
  • Mythology, first place
  • Competitive Certamen (team), first place

Allison Wang, grade 12:   

  • Mottoes, Abbreviations & Quotes, first place (tie; tied highest score of all delegates in all levels of competition)
  • Competitive Certamen (team), first place
  • Mythology, second place
  • Latin Sight Reading – Prose, third place
  • Dramatic Interpretation – Poetry, third place (tie)
  • Reading Comprehension – Advanced, third place
  • Dance Competition, third place

Alexander Lam, grade 11:

  • Essay, first place (tie)
  • Mottoes, Abbreviations & Quotes, third place

Arnav Tandon, grade 11:

  • Latin Sight Reading – Prose, second place

Bobby Bloomquist, grade 9:

  • Vocabulary, second place (tie)
  • Reading Comprehension – Advanced, fourth place

Sara Min, grade 9:

  • Mythology, second place
  • Daily Life, fourth place

Akshay Ravoor, grade 9:

  • Reading Comprehension – Advanced, third place

Taylor Lam, grade 9:

  • Dramatic Interpretation – Prose, third place
  • Vocabulary, fourth place

Anthony Luo, grade 12:

  • Chess, second place

Go, Latin Eagles!

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