In the News: April 2018

Multiple media outlets, April 30, 2018: Two Harker students hit the media jackpot when the story of their prom dress rental app was featured in the San Jose Mercury News. KPIX/CBS  and KRON4 both came to the campus to interview the girls for the news that evening. The story was then picked up by other news outlets, including The team also earned third place at the Baylor 2018 Youth Entrepreneur Awards.

FOX affiliate WFLX, April 29, 2018: Harker lower schoolers had a great outing at the 31st annual Tech Challenge, taking first in their category. The story was picked up by Florida FOX affiliate WFLX.

BusinessWire, April 27, 2018: The California Life Sciences Institute awarded an honorable mention to Harker student Arnav Joshi, grade 10, in the Amgen Bay Area BioGENEius Challenge. 

Tech Blog Writer, April 23, 2018: Great post about a father/son team, Shaya Zarkesh, grade 11, and his dad, developing a new platform for mathematics.

Silicon Valley Business Journal, April 17, 2018: Earlier in the month, Harker readers were delighted to read that alumna Surbhi Sarna sold her company, nVison Medical, for $275 million. Forbes broke the story, which was quickly picked up by the Silicon Valley Business JournalCBS/KPIX also did a great live story.

U.S. Chess Federation, April 13, 2018: Harker’s chess team continues to impress, and the U.S. Chess Federation posted an article noting the team’s winning efforts.

San Jose Mercury News, April 2, 2018: A story on ACT scores mentions that Harker had 12 perfect ACT scores this year.
