Harker Earns Three of Five Slots in National Economics Challenge

The first round of the National Economics Challenge is over and Harker had a record 52 students go way beyond the required AP curriculum to participate. The top five teams in Northern California (defined as the region from San Luis Obispo to the Oregon border) qualified to compete in a written and quiz bowl style competition at the San Francisco Federal Reserve Building on April 7. Three of those five teams are from Harker. The 12 Harker students advancing on are Adele Li, Anika Mohindra, Grace Guan and Abhinav Ketineni, all grade 11; Akshay Battu, Sohil Patel, Sorjo Banerjee, Suraj Jagadeesh, all grade 11; and Rohith Kuditipudi, Aaron Huang, Leo Yu and Steven Wang, all grade 12.

“I am extremely excited to see how we do at the next round because the winner goes on to the National Semifinals for a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to NYC to compete in the televised finals!” said economics teacher Sam Lepler.

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