Harker DECA Receives Award for Best Project Model at DECA Emerging Leader Summit

Earlier this week at the DECA Emerging Leader Summit in Phoenix, Harker’s DECA officers received the “Best Project Model Award” for their presentation on the Harker DECA club’s upcoming Launch2014 event. Taking place Aug. 14-15, Launch2014 is designed to welcome both new and returning Harker DECA members, and offer them a preview of the exciting year ahead. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in student-run workshops and competitions, hear keynote speakers and engage in a variety of activities. “Few, if any, chapters hold such an event during the summer, and the student and judge audiences were very excited about the innovative idea,” said Juston Glass, Harker business and entrepreneurship teacher. “The judges were especially impressed by the thorough planning, professionalism, leadership skills, and creative thinking that was shown by the officer team not only during the presentation but throughout the entire summit.”

Glass received some recognition of his own for the work he had done with Harker’s DECA team, receiving the 2014 Outstanding New Advisor Award from DECA International.

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