Harker Debate Comes Up Big at Western JV and Novice National Championship

Harker middle and upper school debate students had outstanding success at the Western JV and Novice National Championship, held March 12-13 at San Francisco State University. 

Cindy Wang and Clarissa Wang, both grade 9 were the tournament champions in second year public forum. Kelly Shen, grade 9, was the tournament champion in novice Lincoln-Douglas debate.

In addition, Esha Deokar, grade 9, and Deven Shah, grade 6, were in the semifinals of novice policy and Meghna Phalke and Alycia Cary, both grade 9, reached the octofinals of novice policy. Anusha Kuppahally, grade 9, and Jacob Ohana, grade 10, were in octos of second year policy.

Raymond Banke, grade 9, Floyd Gordon, grade 10, and Aimee Wang and Alina Yuan, both grade 6, were double octofinalists in novice public forum. Sascha Pakravan and Anshul Reddy, both grade 6, were in the quarters of novice public forum. In second year public forum, Betsy Tian, grade 7, and Shomrik Mondal, grade 8, were in octos. In second year Lincoln-Douglas, Akshay Manglik, grade 7, Cat Zhao, grade 8, Avi Gulati, grade 8 and Satvik Narashimhan, grade 9 were octofinalists.

Also in second year Lincoln-Douglas, Neha Tallapragada, grade 9, and Annie Ma, grade 8, were in quarters. In novice Lincoln-Douglas, Karoun Kaushik, grade 6, and Aditya Tadimeti, grade 7, were double octofinalists. Rishi Jain, grade 6, was in quarters of novice Lincoln-Douglas. Juniors Molly Wancewicz, Emmie Malyugina and Rahul Shukla and seniors Zarek Drozda and Karen Qi spent the weekend judging and coaching. Their help proved invaluable.

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